We’ve been busy baking bread, planning menus, getting menus reviewed by a nutritionist, planning gardens, planting flowers, finalizing schedules, processing camper registrations, making transportation arrangements for staff members, being shocked by a duck who flew into the dining hall, getting equipment inspected, putting in docks, getting out the boats, and the list continues. Official runs to pick up staff begin today, and we are ready! So often it’s easy to think about the preparations for camp only being the travel and schedule logistics, spring cleaning, making sure we have enough food, and packing the essential items in our suitcase. However, the year-round staff was reminded again this past week that preparation is much more than scheduling a time for capers or making sure there are waterproof band-aids in stock. Here are a few questions we’ve been considering…
Logistics–How does the timing of this summer and all that will be experienced relate to what’s going on in our lives while summer camp is not in session?
Cleaning–How can we make sure our minds are clear to take in all the new experiences this summer?
Nourishment-How do make sure to enjoy and ensure that the campers enjoy a summer of experiences that will positively impact them for a lifetime?
Essential items-Did we remember to bring open hearts, minds, and faith to camp? For staff, how do we to demonstrate the passion we have for the power of camp?
<img decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5dc46f083933103936d92b94/1574196131805-6KC6Z6AOMVY9Q63OL2EM/IMG_1031.jpg?w=1184&ssl=1" alt="IMG_1031.jpg" data-recalc-dims="1" />
(the sign above is the answer to Ace that Place #13)
As you ponder with us and prepare for camp, let us be the first to welcome you to Summer 2011 at Camp Westminster on Higgins Lake!