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Camp Deprivation – it’s real.

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This blog is written by Laura Grosh. She is currently a student at Kenyon College. Laura was a camper, completed our LifeWorks Leadership Development Program and has been a counselor.

Even though winter days are the shortest, they can drag on, especially with something as special as camp waiting at the end. Waiting for summer to arrive can be hard, so here are some of my favorite ways to bring camp into the winter and to survive camp deprivation in February!

1. Wear your favorite camp gear!

The classic blue hoodie was made for winter! Repping camp gear is always fun to share what you did over the summer with the world.

2. Have a winter survival day

Enjoying God’s creation has no season. Go take a walk, build a shelter, and or just spend some time outside. If you want a challenge, build a fire and cook a meal! Remember to be safe! Check out Olivia’s blog for how to make a safe and fun campfire!

3. Have a campfire inside

While fireplaces may not have the same charm as a bonfire, they work equally well for roasting marshmallows.

4. Catch up with camp friends!

This is something that I do all the time! Whether it’s meeting up, Facetiming, or writing letters, camp friends are real friends and chatting with them always brightens my winter days.

5. Teach your non camp friends all of your favorite camp songs

Camp songs are definitely the best!

6. Do an energizer!

My personal favorites are I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles) by the Proclaimers and Wavin’ Flag (Coca-Cola Celebration Mix) by K’NAAN.

7. Practice your accents!

Our counselors hail from all around the world–especially from Scotland. Practicing your Scottish accent may help bring camp (and your favorite counselor) closer to home.

8. Make a friendship bracelet!

Even without the charm of the craft cabin, you can make your favorite crafts at home! Friendship bracelets are a classic way to start. If you forget the basics, this link can help you out.

9. Reflect!

Reflection is a powerful part of the camp experience, and one that can easily be brought home. Grab your Bible, a journal, or a cup of tea for some time to yourself.

10. Register for camp next summer!

The 2019 Summer schedule is now out! This summer is going to be one for the books. Be sure to check out all the different camps being offered this summer to see what is going to make this summer the best one yet!

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