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Today’s international flag is flown in honor of our connection to Kenya!
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Nyas loves to have fun!
NOTE: Each day, we are raising a flag from another country in addition to the American flag. We are learning from our staff (who represent Northern Ireland, Kenya, England, Scotland) about their cultures. Today is Kenya! All through college I participated in a student’s organization whose activities were heavily reliant on the idea of connecting young people around the globe. I was greatly involved and helped to influence many others who joined after me but I never thought that my experience of global connections would occur in a setting completely unrelated to the organization that I was a part of. My family in Kenya is a host family for the Young Adult Volunteer Program run by the Presbyterian Church, USA. The programme gives opportunities to young people of faith to serve for one year in a new culture in different parts of the world. In August 2010, Grace Lindvall arrived in Kenya for the program. As her host family, we welcomed her and she become a part of the Odindo household, loved like she had been a part of us all along.At this same time, I had just began my final year in college, an academic year which was characterized by constant worry and confusion about what I wanted to do after completing university. I was sure of one thing, I wanted to be where God wanted me, and that made it even more difficult. My prayer never changed: “God show me the way, lead me onto the path that you have that you have laid out for me and may I be ready to obey your call.”To usher in the new year, we had a family luncheon at our home and afterward Grace and I were having one of our many “sister” chats when she brought up the idea of serving at Camp Westminster as a camp counselor. It sounded perfect, it was an opportunity to do everything I loved: travel, work with with young people, and serve in a place of ministry. It is amazing how God crosses people’s paths to enable His will to be done to our lives. I still find myself in awe each week as I repeat to different campers the story of how I learned about Camp Westminster. With every passing week, it becomes even clearer that this is where God wanted me for this particular time in my life.Never ignore the chance to share with another, an idea, a story, an opportunity….you never know why God chooses to let you cross paths with another.
-Nyasie Odindo, 2011 counselor