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God is Everywhere! Reflections from Iona…

<img decoding="async" src=";ssl=1" alt="One of the many historical stone Celtic crosses on Iona" data-recalc-dims="1" />

One of the many historical stone Celtic crosses on Iona

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Throughout the week on the Isle of Iona I experienced God’s presence mostly through other people and their thoughts. Ruth Higgins was a big inspiration to me during our trip. At one point she said “we see the beauty and wonder of God’s creation when we go to beautiful, serene places but God is everywhere! We should be taking into wonder and amazement our everyday lives and surroundings” She had such a good point. On Iona with such beautiful scenery and the smell of the fresh air you could feel God’s presence everywhere. It is hard with our busy everyday lives to sit back and feel the presence of God’s love around us even though He is always there.

-Andrea, Westminster to the World 2011 Participant

We are constantly searching for quiet; from school, work, and our busy lives. Iona is a place of quiet; the peace of mind and soul. Quiet gives us time to think, about our lives and relationship with God. Sometimes we forget that Jesus was both human AND divine, because we see him as the almighty and omnipotent creator. We forget that he was a child, a teenager who experienced sadness as well as joy. In our own suffering and hardship He seems like an unreachable being.Yet what seems to keep us the farthest from God should be what joins us together in His love. We are afraid to come to terms with the love God has for us because it is almost unimaginable. Marianne Williamson said, “We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” We shouldn’t fear the love God has for us because the joy it brings is unending.

-Tori, Westminster to the World 2011 Participant

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