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Stephen and Kyle, hiking up Ski Jump Hill
God’s calling often seems to be an expertly coded message. Impossible to decipher. Some people feel they live their entire life unaware of God’s purpose for them. Before my pilgrimage to Iona Scotland, I felt unsure about God’s calling for me. But after two short weeks with my camp family, I have come to see my calling as a teacher. I was always aware that I might possibly want to become a teacher but was never entirely certain. Any doubt I previously had was diminished after my visit to Scotland. Iona is a community where people are encouraged to self search and through this, I discovered that teaching is what I am truly passionate for. Discovering God’s path for us is something that everyone can do. It simply takes the guiding hands of loved ones combined with the search for true passion in our lives.
-Stephen, 2011 Westminster to the World participant
[Stephen is the grandson of Rev. Graham Guile, former director of Camp Westminster. He has been a camper for several years, completing the Leadership Development Track by traveling to Iona, Scotland this summer. He also shared that his career decision was mightily influenced by spending time with younger campers during Leadership Development Training a few years ago, reading to them and helping settle them down!]