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Peace Works Coloring Pages

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Looking for something to do on this rainy day? Here are some coloring pages that correspond with our Peace Works Bible Quest Curriculum from Summer 2019. With each page, there is also an brief explanation of what the word means.

To print the pictures, right click on the image, click “Save image as” to save to your computer, and then print!

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Aloha means hello, goodbye, welcome, and love. Each of these aspects of aloha are shown through people and nature. Through people we always aim to show love and respect whether you are from Hawaii or not. This is why Hawaiian people think of each other as family; we are all people worthy of respect and it’s important to show that. This is also why we have such a strong desire to show hospitality as well. It’s all about love and respect for each other and being an example of that. The same respect and love is shown for the island and all living things on it. We have a strong appreciation for nature and how it affects our lives, which creates a strong need for protecting it.

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Ubuntu is an Africa philosophy that embraces community, unity, and interdependence. Although it is generally considered to be a philosophical thought from South Africa, the idea is expressed in many Bantu languages. It is a concept very difficult to convey in the English language. The meaning most attributed to it is from the Zulu language, “Umuntu Ngumuntu Ngabantu,” meaning “a person becomes a person through other persons.” Others would say, “I am who I am because of you, you are who you are because of who we are together.” This defines our humanity and how we are interconnected and how we share our gifts with each other.

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The Hebrew word shalom is one of the greatest words in the Hebrew vocabulary. Shalom is said when you meet someone, as in “hello.” Shalom is said when you are saying “goodbye.” Shalom also means peace. In many ways, saying shalom means peace in all three settings, and what a beautiful way to say hello or goodbye—offering to the other person peace. The word shalom comes from the Hebrew root shalaym meaning whole or complete. Peace is what we all seek in our broken world and by coming to peace we bring the world to wholeness or completeness. Hebrew is the language spoken by Jews in Israel and is a part of the culture for Jews around the world. Shalom is at the core of our Jewish being. It is a word that every Jew knows and understands. On Friday evening, when our Shabbat (Sabbath) begins, Jews turn to one another as they enter the synagogue and the sanctuary and greet each other with “Shabbat Shalom” or Sabbath peace.

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Directly translated as love, agape is an inner quality expressed outwardly as in acts of compassion, forgiveness, mercy, faithfulness, and service. Agape flows from God to human, human to God, and human to human as it calls us to live in community. While other words for love are used in the New Testament, agape was used by early Christians to convey some of the special qualities of Christian love. For Christians, love motivates, regulates, and characterizes all human conduct. All commandments are summed up in the command to love. God is defined as love, and God’s love is the unmerited acceptance of all people, expressed supremely in Jesus. Through this love, God reconciles or makes peace with us all.

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The Japanese use the kanji characters 平和 (へい わ in hiragana characters). Kanji is the original Chinese characters and the first 平 (hei) means flat, or smooth, and 和 (wa) means harmony. Having smoothness and harmony describes the state of being a peaceful society, so that is probably the reason for the origin of the word. In China they write it 和平 (“hebin” pronounced and sounding more like ‘her-bin’ ). As you can see, the characters are just reversed so it would mean harmonious and smooth—the same. Harmony is a very important concept in Japan. This is reflected in the Japanese tea ceremony, which emphasizes the four words: 和 (“WA” harmony) 敬 (“KEI”

respect) 清 (“SEI” purity) 寂 (“JAKU” tranquility)

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The “official” translation for sí se puede® is “Yes, it can be done.” The phrase was coined by Cesar Chavez and his partner, Dolores Huerta, during the 1972 25-day fast. It echoes the struggle of working-class Latinos who were fighting for fair labor conditions in the 1970s and has been used more recently at immigration reform marches. Chavez believed in a nation that could create a society that claimed the common humanity of all people. He believed that organizing, marching, protesting, and boycotting could change the reality of those in need. Chavez explained that this effort was not entered into out of anger or hate, but out of a belief that the nation was capable of doing more for those who had less. Chavez also believed those who were marginalized had a role to play and a voice to be heard. When people doubted this belief, the movement responded with encouragement, saying, “sí se puede®!”

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When you use aloha you are not only sending someone off. Aloha means “I wish you the best,” and “Take love with you.” There is an aloha state of mind that Hawaii people hold, which means that they are always carrying compassion with them. When you are sent off with aloha it’s not only a sendoff of love but also a promise of a place to be. Aloha is a blessing of love and belonging.

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