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Power Up! How Do Campers Plug In Without Gadgets?

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We are pleased to announce the theme for our bible quest curriculum for this summer. It’s called “PowerUP.” The Power Up! Curriculum is developed by InsideOut: Christian Resources for Outdoor Ministries, and provides biblical themes for each day that campers will explore and learn more about during Morning Watch, Bible Quest, Vespers, and Devotions. Through PowerUP:

• Campers will experience Christian community at camp and discover its source—the Holy Spirit!

• They’ll also claim the gift of a new spirit within, bearing fruit, as they choose living in the Spirit for themselves.

• They’ll realize they are never alone—the Holy Spirit empowers them to live with grace and forgiveness, unity and courage, joy and peace. Each day will be given a theme and an image as the marker for that day, as yet another way of reaching the hearts and minds of campers of all ages.

Day 1: Power Up With the Promise of Peace (John 14:25-27) Jesus promised the confused disciples his peace and an Advocate. The story of this widely recognized peace sign will help campers see how peace starts with the heart—the kind of peace that Jesus gives.

Day 2: Power Up and Celebrate the Spirit (Acts 2:1–18, 22–24, 33) Campers will quickly make the connection to the joy of countless birthday celebrations—and now to the celebration of Jesus’ promise fulfilled. With the coming of the Holy Spirit, it’s time to celebrate the birthday of the church.

Day 3: Power Up to Imitate Christ (1 Thessalonians 1:4-7) “When others look at me, will they see Christ reflected in my life?” That is the question campers will face as they encounter Paul’s encouragement to the Thessalonians to imitate Jesus and the examples of other Christians.

Day 4: Power Up with the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26) What does “living in the Spirit” produce? The fruit of those cumulative, daily decisions is life-giving, wholesome, beautiful. Choosing to live without the Spirit bears fruit that tears apart communities and lives.

Day 5: Power Up as One Community (Ephesians 4:1-6)The cry, “We are #1,” comes from a spirit of “winners” over “losers,” of power over others. In contrast, “We are one,” comes from power up, from the Spirit that unites diversity into commUNITY—because of the seven “ones” in today’s scripture.

Day 6: Power Up with Courage (2 Timothy1:6-7, 13-14) With the strong clasp of the Spirit, campers will be able to power up to stand up and speak up on behalf of others, to act with courage and love.

Day 7: Power Up with Peace Wherever You Go (John 20:19-23) As Jesus commissioned the disciples, so he commissions the campers, calling them to continue his ministry of grace and forgiveness and equipping them with his peace and the Holy Spirit. They are not alone, and their reminder is just two fingers away!

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