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by Megan Burns, Student at Alma College
I have always believed in God but I didn’t really exercise or practice my religion. But here at Camp Westminster my life and my faith have been forever changed.Our first vespers during staff training we sang Sanctuary. There is a line in the song that says, “Take my spirit and Lord please fill it, with your patience to wait on You.” In that line, I heard God really speak to me and I started tearing up. I realized how empty my life had been and how much I needed the Lord in my life. The more I put my trust in God, and His plan, and the more I spoke to God through prayer, the more I could feel Him filling the void inside of me. But I still found it hard to put all of my faith and trust in God. Around the same time, I had begun to feel an overwhelming presence, especially strong in the stretch from Cave to the Nature Cabin. The space in front of Kiva was where I could feel it the most. And it terrified me, to the point where I wouldn’t go to Kiva on my own because I was so afraid of it. Not long after I began feeling this presence our first Wakeya assignment list was posted. I was in Kiva and I was really nervous. We had a couple of days before campers came, and I prayed that God would help and guide me. At one point during that time, one of the counselors talked about camp being a thin place, meaning a place where the gap between us and God is thinner than other places. It hit me then, that this presence I had been feeling was God. This was when I began to fully put my faith and trust in God and His plan.My Wakeya turned out to be amazing. The girls were great, and although they presented me with new challenges, with God’s help and guidance, I was able to overcome them.Throughout that first week, I was able to realize that God prepares us for more than we realize and puts us into situations that we can conquer and will help us grow.