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2011 Pre-Leadership Ladies at the final banquet
<img decoding="async" src="https://i0.wp.com/images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5dc46f083933103936d92b94/1574196124314-QJOPGN68W3OYYD33R0CF/DSC_9745-300x199.jpg?resize=300%2C199&ssl=1" alt="Leadership skills are learned in more than one way!" data-recalc-dims="1" />

Leadership skills are learned in more than one way!
During my past two summers as a counselor at Camp Westminster, I have had the privilege of working with campers in the Leadership Development program. This program has shown me the benefits that camp can continue to offer to teenagers. Summer camp isn’t just for children; it is an authentic community where real relationships are formed and real communication occurs (without texting) between all ages. For those who are in high school, Pre-Leadership Development Training, Leadership Development Training, and Westminster Service Corps offer innumerable growth experiences for youth. As developing leaders, these campers take part in the programming at Camp Westminster. They are involved in everything from arranging programs for younger campers, to leading worship, to organizing their own overnight out trip. The growth experiences provided by these programs can absolutely be applied to their everyday life.In addition, youth have the opportunity to develop important life skills while at camp. Communicating, brainstorming and planning with a team is perfect preparation for the work place some day! For older campers, skills such as first aid, basic lifeguarding, boater safety, and advanced outdoor living skills are incorporated into their programs.With the addition of the Senior Just Camp program available this summer, Camp Westminster has taken another step in promoting youth participation in camp. With this program, youth ages 16-18 can continue to enjoy the positive experiences camp has to offer.
-Rachel Leads, staff