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Got a good book?

Reading a good book may not be the first activity to come to mind when you think of summer camp. But it does occur- we see staff reading on their time off, kids reading during FOB or even a chilly day on the waterfront, Family Campers reading by the lake, and campers reading during vespers, Bible Quest or Morning Watch. This is great! Summer setback is the term used for the learning loss that can occur when children take a mental hiatus over summer vacation. To combat this, we have always encouraged problem solving, math skills, communication, writing (those postcards and letters home!), reading and public speaking at Camp, but this summer we have been accepted to the Explore 30 reading program through the American Camp Association. Supplemental resources and suggestions for incorporating more reading at camp are a small piece of this program. Of course, the reading is already taking place- we’ll just offer more materials for campers during FOB, etc. So, as you pack your bags (or your campers’ bags) for Camp, think about tucking in a good book or two! Today’s activity: Pick a book from your bookshelf that you could donate to a summer book drive for children!

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